Parent/Guardian Visitation

  • We'd love for you to visit your child's classroom. In order to ensure our student's safety and maintain the quality of our instructional time, we ask the following:

    • Please make an appointment with your child's teacher at least 24 hours in advance. Please email or call your child's teacher and schedule a visit.
    • When you arrive at AASD, please check in at the front desk.  You will be given a visitor's badge and escorted to your child's classroom.  
    • Please limit your visits to no more than two times per week and to about 30 minutes per visit except for special events like holiday performances and other special occasions.
    • These visits are for observation only and are not the time for a parent-teacher conference.  Formal parent-teacher conferences are held during the school year and you may contact your child's teacher at any time during the year to set up a conference with them.

    State Schools Policy (Georgia Department of Education)

    • Time and purpose of classroom visits are scheduled and approved with the teacher at least 24 hours prior to the visit. A parent or guardian may call or email the teacher to schedule the visit.
    • The teacher will notify the office that visitors are expected.
    • Visitors will sign in at the office and be escorted to class.
    • Visits are kept to 30 minutes each for maximum two visits per week unless the teacher indicates a special occasion such as a holiday performance, etc.
    • Visits are for unobtrusive observation of the family’s student and not a time for family/teacher conferences.
    • Visitors are prohibited from using recording devices during the visit. This is to protect the privacy of other students in the classroom.
    • The school-level superintendent may approve a deviation from this protocol if there are extenuating circumstances, but the circumstances must be of a significant nature that would warrant such a deviation. The parent or guardian should call or email the school-level superintendent to discuss a deviation from this protocol based on extenuating circumstances.

    In addition to Policy SS-8002 Descriptor Code-JV