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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What district is AASD?
AASD is not a part of a district.  It is a state school serving deaf and hard of hearing (D/HH) students all over the metro Atlanta Area.. All students are referred to AASD by their local school agency in accordance to their Individualized Education Plan (IEP). All students must have documented hearing loss.

How much does it cost to attend AASD?
Tuition is free.

How many students are enrolled at AASD?
AASD has approximately 140 students serving over 30 school districts and agencies in the metro Atlanta region of Georgia.  All students must have hearing loss as indicated by an audiogram.

What grade levels does AASD have?
AASD serves students from ages 3-22.  We provide preschool through 12th grade and have classes, test preparation, and work experience for students until their 22nd birthday.

What related services are available to students?
Based on each student’s IEP, AASD offers related services that include but are not limited to audiological assessments, occupational therapy, physical therapy, and speech therapy.  We have a full-time social worker as well as a full-time school psychologist.  We also have a diagnostic psychologist and diagnostic teacher who works along with other staff members to provide testing.

AASD uses a bilingual approach to language learning. What does that mean?
We are a developmental bilingual program in which American Sign Language (ASL) and English are the two languages used for instructional purposes. We aim to preserve and build upon students’ abilities in both languages and strive for students to achieve fluency in both.  Students develop their expressive and receptive skills in ASL.  Students also develop their abilities to read, write, and, for some, speak and listen to English.  We focus on individualized language planning for each student.

Does AASD serve students with Cochlear Implants (CI)?
Yes, AASD serves CI students and our audiologists assist with troubleshooting issues with implants. Students with cochlear implants will work on spoken English as well to the maximum extent possible, but are still expected to use ASL to communicate throughout the school.

What is AASD’s curriculum’s focus?
AASD has a challenging interdisciplinary curriculum that follows Georgia’s statewide standards.  Accommodations and modifications are made to the curriculum based on each student’s IEP.  We believe that our school culture, enriched with American Sign Language, is the fundamental key that leads to higher literacy achievements.

Does AASD have athletics and extracurricular activities?
AASD offers both athletic and extracurricular activities for students. The school’s sports teams, the Panthers, compete in volleyball, basketball, track and field, wrestling, baseball, and soccer. Transportation is not provided for students participating in after-school sports teams.

We offer extensive club options for students that include, but are not limited to, yearbook, academic bowl, dance, driver’s education, recreational sports, and more.  These clubs are offered during regular school hours. Opportunities to develop leadership skills are also available through Jr. National Association for the Deaf (Jr. NAD) and the Career Technology Student Organization (CTSO). After-school programs and additional clubs, as well as tutoring, are offered after-school hours during the school year. Transportation is not provided for students participating in after-school clubs and tutoring. Contact our athletic director, Greg Owen, for more information.

What makes AASD different from other schools?
AASD provides full accessibility for your child all day long.  Your child is never left out or in a position where they are excluded due to communication. AASD requires all staff to be fluent in both languages (American Sign Language and English), from our secretaries to maintenance, to teachers and teacher assistants. Teachers must be certified to teach both in deaf education and the area in which they teach.  As a day school, AASD offers an opportunity for students to maintain close family ties while attending school with peers who also use American Sign Language (ASL) to communicate.

Is transportation provided?
Transportation is provided by the student’s local school system. (Transportation Information)

Are interpreters available?
AASD has fully certified ASL interpreters on staff for IEP meetings, non-signing guest speakers, parent/teacher conferences, and other activities as needed.  We also have a full-time Spanish language interpreter.  Interpreters must be requested in advance. Please know that while we will do everything we can to make communication accessible to all, we cannot guarantee that if you show up to school unannounced that an interpreter will be available.

How is the school funded?
AASD receives funding from the state of Georgia Department of Education and the federal government.

How can I volunteer at AASD?
We have many requests about volunteering at the school. Not all can be filled, but we encourage people who are interested to contact the front office ( to see what opportunities are currently available.