- Atlanta Area School for the Deaf
- School Council
School Council
- The School Council is an advisory body that provides feedback and recommendations to AASD leadership and the Division of State Schools, who oversee operations at the Atlanta Area School for the Deaf. It can provide recommendations on any matter, included but not limited to:
- Calendar
- Policies
- School Improvement Plans
- Budget Priorities
- Methods of communicating with school community.
Membership and meetings are open to family members, teachers, staff, and community representatives. However, only school council members may vote.
Next meeting: Thursday, April 18 at 7:30 PM via Zoom
Meeting Link: https://gadoe-org.zoom.us/j/85079256503?pwd=TERWMnhoNlhRQ2hMU042a2dCeWZjZz09
Thursday, April 18 Meeting Topic:
School Council Open House Meeting - School Council Chairperson, Tanitra Carter, Superintendent Johnson, and representatives of the AASD staff, invite all parents and guardians to attend.
The purpose of the meeting is to obtain parent/guardian feedback and to promote discussion for the 2024-2025 school year. Our Title 1 School-Parent Compacts and Family Engagement Plan will be discussed.
For more information, please contact the Family Engagement Team 404-272-2769.